take pride in associating with Global Voice for the Soft Skills and Aptitude training for our engineering students. They have lived up to their reputation of being the best in the industry. The team has been thoroughly professional and has brought about a significant transformation in the students. Their performance has been excellent – be it the knowledge of the trainers or the course design or the training methodology.

They have surpassed our expectations in terms of quality of training and their commitment and dedication. We look forward to a long-term relationship with Global Voice!

Director – Training & Corporate Relations
Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology (BPIT)

GLA University

We take pride in associating with Global Voice for the Campus Connect Soft Skills training program for our students. They have lived up to their reputation of being the best in the industry. The team has been thoroughly professional and has brought about a significant transformation in the students. The interest shown in these sessions by the students and their active participation indicate that the students find immense value in these sessions.

The performance of Global Voice has been excellent – be it the knowledge of the trainers or the content or the training methodology.

They have surpassed our expectations in terms of quality of training and their commitment and dedication. We look forward to a long-term relationship with Global Voice!

GLA University, Mathura

Jaipur National University

We would like to place on record our appreciation for the excellent training programs conducted by Global Voice for our students. They have been working with our university for last few years and we are highly satisfied with the quality of training programs offered by them.

The training programs have enabled our students to develop professional skills required to become ‘ Industry Ready’. We have observed a significant change in their confidence, communication and behavioural skills. The trainers are very knowledgeable, sincere, dedicated and go an extra mile to meet their commitments.

We wish Global Voice success in all their future endeavours and look forward to a long-term relationship with them.

Joint Director
Jaipur National University