Group Discussions
Group discussion has become an integral part of the recruitment process these days. The major objective of a group discussion is to check out as to how people contribute to a group effort. The purpose of a group discussion is to reach a solution for a given issue or a problem.
GD has become an effective tool in problem solving, personality assessment and decision making. Though GD is conducted as a part of the selection process, yet some people consider it as a rejection process because many candidates get rejected in this round and only few are short-listed for the next rounds. Only those students who exhibit various skills have the chance to get selected.
In a Group Discussion, 10-15 participants share their views and opinions in a systematic and structured manner with others on a given topic. Group discussion is different from a debate. Debates are often competitive in nature whereas group discussions are a co-operative group process.
Some of the advantages of a Group Discussion are –
- Ideas can be generated.
- Ideas can be shared.
- Ideas can be ‘tried out’.
- Ideas can be responded to by others.
- Groups provide a support and growth for any endeavour.
In a Group Discussion, participants are evaluated on various parameters. There are many parameters on which the students are evaluated during a group discussion such as knowledge, communication skills, critical thinking, leadership skills, listening skills, etc. Recruiters evaluate how well the participants will behave and contribute with their ideas in the group. It is important to express oneself confidently and with clarity. Now-a-days, it is very important for a person to work in a team. Team work and leadership skills are also evaluated during a GD. It is important to understand the other persons’ point of view, while stating your point so as the team reaches a final agreement.
Some of the important parameters are as follows –
- Subject Knowledge
- Team Player
- Reasoning Ability
- Leadership
- Flexibility
- Assertiveness
- Initiative
- Creativity/Out of box thinking
- Inspiring Ability
- Listening Ability
It is important that one develops skills on the basis of the parameters stated above. Besides this, one should also learn a few tips to do well in a GD. Some of the useful tips are as follows –
- Speaking is important
- Do not monopolize the discussion
- Show active listening skills
- Don’t interrupt others
- Don’t get personal
- Don’t digress
- Encourage those who may be silent
- Be brief
- Give strong justification for your points
- Give examples
Group Discussions are conducted on different topics of current affairs, technology, controversial, case studies, general topics (economic, social, political, business) or abstract topics.